Kinning with the Unseen More-Than-Human

Re-sensing Barrambin’s disappeared waterways and creeks


The galleries of images are collected as part of the process of “walking-with” Barrambin.

Misalignment of methodologies with the More-than-Human lead to problematic disjunctures in potential methods. Empirical methods can tell us much about water quality degradation and subsequent eradication of species in a creek running alongside a major highway but they don’t do well at communicating the deep solastalgia, place-based distress and ontological trauma that seeing a waterway become a filthy ditch full of plastic detritus engenders

Designing-with the More-than-Human challenges us to examine the ways we enact our designing process and invites us to find more open and more evocative, qualitative frameworks. This is the realization behind the recent turn to relational ontologies which blur distinctions between nature and culture, subject and object, us and them etc. in favor of ‘meshworks’ – rhizomatic connections – that highlight the embodied, the connected and the evocative. When it comes to designing with a complex More-than-Human entity such as Barrambin, the challenge is particularly difficult because there is a necessity to unlearn, to disentangle ourselves from the well-established design methods and find new lenses and points of view that foster heterogeneity and plurality. We seek these as designers who are also trying to understand ourselves as cohabiting-with the More-than-Human as co-performers in the world.

Barrambin AtypI Autumn Walkshop

Barrambin winter walks

Kelvin Grove State College tour

Barrambin spring walk